Just getting my feet wet with C#, after being a VB developer for awhile, realizing that C# is getting all of the jobs. With that being said, have run into a few difficulties in converting over, and I'll list a couple here, to be added to as I go along. Consider this a newbie's version of headaches you may face when switching to C#...
- In VB, if you want to locate an element inside of a control, you would use:
Dim control as CONTROLTYPE = CType(CONTAINER.FindControl("ControlID"), CONTROLTYPE)
In C#, you would write the same expression as:
CONTROLTYPE control = (CONTROLTYPE)CONTAINER.FindControl("ControlID"); - In VB, if you want to place an IIf statement inside of a Label Control, you're free to do so. Simply use
<%#IIf(Convert.ToString(EXPRESSION)=Something, True, False)%>
However, when you attempt to use this in C#, you will get an error, as IIf isn't recognized.
Here's the fix:
<%# (Convert.ToString(EXPRESSION) == Something ? True : False)%>. - Of Course, & is not recognized, it is replaced by +.
- I know when I was creating a VB Side HTML Message, or if I was creating a very long string, I would use '& vbCrLf _'. However, in C#, this changes a bit. Declare your String, and append it just as you would in JS. Example?
string A = "";
A += "This is a string ";
A += " and the second line of the string...";
I will modify this as I go, but if you are like me, and have done VB this whole time, I would recommend taking any current sites you have done, and redo them from scratch in C#. Get Hung Up? Use THIS as a last resort, it's a pretty good tool.
Good Luck!
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